Crafting Goals Met

Several friends and I use Google+ to support our crafting efforts. Every mid-month, we put together our personal craft goals for the next 4 weeks. The rule of thumb: Try to set *reasonable* goals that you can actually achieve–in your spare time, in your dedicated crafting time–so that we can celebrate with you when you achieve your goals.

My mid-Feb to mid-Mar goals included just 2 accomplishments: Finish the weaving on the loom and Prep the flowered hair clips for the Hafla.

Results the first:

Finished Feb-March weaving

Results the second:

Flowers for the Hafla tonight

I’m tired, but so pleased. Next up: Dancing and vending tonight, Dancing tomorrow, Gaming Sunday. Then setting my Mar-Apr crafting goals, and likely warping up my card-weaving again.

Achievement Unlocked

I set three goals for my mid-Jan to mid-Feb crafting plans. Goal #1: Achiement Unlocked! I now have a few of my hair clips up on my etsy shop. *whew*

One of the five clips I’ve added to my etsy shop this week

Next up: Making more (new) floral hair clips and finishing the card-weaving piece currently on the loom.

Thanks for being such a supportive audience of friends. You all of one of the reasons I’ve had the motivation to achieve some of my goals. You really mean a lot to me.

P.S. A special thank you to Lora, for being such a wonderful hair stylist. I just love how the purple and red stripes in my hair look in the photos. It made taking these photos just that much more fun!

P.P.S. If you are a Crafter type person and you are on Google+ AND you’d like to be part of our little Crafts Support circle, drop me a line on Google+.

Getting the Motivation Going

Working on the Shop – For several months, I’d been thinking about an artistic goal to work on my etsy shop and the photos of my floral hair clips. Last night I finally got back to the camera and the computer. Here’s a bit of a sneak peek of the flowers I will be posting to my shop.– Sneak Peek: New Flowers for the Shop

I still need to finish editing the descriptive text and make certain all the little details are in place, but these should be online this evening.

I’ve been really impressed with several friends who’ve been working on updating their etsy shops, which was just the push I needed to get my edits done. I’d forgotten how involved these catalog listings can be, which must be why I’d set them aside for a while. And although I’ve been doing well selling the hair clips at haflas (dance parties) and workshops, I’d been slightly embarassed at my empty shop.

Community Support – Additional motivators have been coming via Google+ discussions and Twitter posts. It might be just that everyone is still in “New Year’s Resolutions” mode, but I love having friends who have their own crafts and sales efforts. They inspire me to do my best, too. Some of my favorite crafters include Rain (etsy and twitter), Lynn (etsy and twitter), and Blume (etsy and twitter). It is important to me that I keep my own voice, my own designs, my own style. But it’s hard not to be inspired by the creativity of my friends, and hear a voice in my head that says, “Oh! I should do that! That’s awesome!” I’m not really in danger of copying (read: stealing) creative ideas from any of my friends, but wow, these are some talented ladies. I want to grow up and “be just like them.” Only, just like me. *beaming grin*

So, by way of this post, allow me to just thank these artists (among many), for inspiring me to be my best again. Thanks for being excellent.

Latest Obsession: Card-Weaving

Greetings, everyone. I know I’ve been away for months and months, so let’s see if I can quickly sum up all that’s been happening.

Experimenting with Transitions
First Success

In June, I had my last day of work after a 3-year contract. After job hunting, I was pleased to find a new position to start immediately after the July 4th holiday. So yes, good news: New job. Unusual news: Really long commute. It’s not actually my longest mileage commute, but it is my longest time-on-the-clock commute. I don’t mind driving, but it has been a challenge to juggle the hours missing from my schedule to be productive and crafty.

In October, I was part of the organizational staff for a large camping event. For fun and relaxation, I dug out an old UnFinished-Object (UFO) to work on some lazy afternoon at the event. I didn’t bring any instruction with me, just a class sampler of card-weaving, warped up on my inkle loom, dusty and ignored for two years since I had last taken a class. I could not actually figure out the solution while I was camping, but my interest was kindled, and I was *determined* to solve the puzzle when I returned home.

This red, white, and black sampler consumed my brain. I finally remembered enough from my classes, and consulted the handouts from both Bridget’s and Aldgytha’s classes, until I solved the riddles. Along the way, I came up with my own mnemonic phrases to keep track with turns were next in the pattern. By the time I completed the sampler, I was completely weaving without a printed pattern.

Finished first sample, fuzzy sampler on the loom

My next tasks included: Learning to understand how the stitches work, how to chart the patterns (and design new patterns), and then warp a project all on my own without any assistance.

To understand the stitches, I warped up four cards with the bulkiest, fuzzy yarn in my stash. The stitches were bold and easy to see, chart, examine, and understand. Then I stayed up late drawing by hand, drawing on the computer, charting in spreadsheets, and experimenting until I found the best way to make notes about card-weaving patterns. I also went online to find some card-weaving (tablet-weaving) software I’d seen several years ago. Turns out that Guntram’s Tablet-Weaving Thingy charts patterns almost the same way I had been sketching over dinner one evening. I’m glad I went to the trouble to figure out charting methods. Now all the resources on the internet and in my library make more sense, having invented the wheel once myself, too.

Failed sampler. Nothing looks right, including one yarn needs to go entirely.
“Lessons Learned” sampler set aside, warp cut and ready to remove from the loom.
Salvaging the warp threads from the cut “lessons learned” sampler. The brown was tossed out.

Next: warping a loom from scratch. I was actually somewhat relieved to have my first failed “need to cut it off the loom” experience.

Houston, we have a problem. Those should be closed circles.
This looks promising.
Yeah, I got this. *grin*

Now I’m trying to write up my lessons learned, for my own handouts or crib notes. Several card-weavers and textile artists around me are looking forward to seeing how I solved these tricks. And I’m happily enjoying yet another way to play with string.

Want to browse all the photos? You can find them here: / Google+ / Picasa / Facebook

Pink and Purple Yarn

Just a quick note with some bulky yarn, custom order for a dollmaker.

And one of my favorite new tools to demonstrate WPI (wraps per inch).

I’m off to a Fiber Retreat weekend, put on by Griffin Dyeworks, where I’ll be teaching and learning a variety of different spinning techniques. I hope to have many fantastic new photos for you when I return. Until then, enjoy these.

P.S. Here’s where I purchased the sheep yarn gauge: