Harry Potter Alter Ego

I actually had to answer a Tie Breaker question between testing as Dumbledore or Hermione. Hmm. Still testing as a Gryffindor, when I’m fairly certain I’m quite the Hufflepuff.

You scored as Albus Dumbledore. Strong and powerful you admirably defend your world and your charges against those who would seek to harm them. However sometimes you can fail to do what you must because you care too much to cause suffering.

Albus Dumbledore


Hermione Granger


Remus Lupin


Harry Potter


Ron Weasley


Sirius Black


Ginny Weasley


Draco Malfoy


Severus Snape


Lord Voldemort


Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is…?
created with QuizFarm.com

Second Test of This Type

So now, apparently, I’m testing higher on Judging versus Perceiving. That’s clearly an indication of my inner dialogue, where now instead of just “perceiving” what I’m going through, I’m clearly “judging” myself and making decisions that way. Definitely worth thinking about further.

Jung Explorer Test
Actualized type: ESFJ
(who you are)

ESFJ – “Seller”. Most sociable of all types. Nurturer of harmony. Outstanding host or hostesses. 12.3% of total population.

Preferred type: ESFJ
(who you prefer to be)

ESFJ – “Seller”. Most sociable of all types. Nurturer of harmony. Outstanding host or hostesses. 12.3% of total population.

Attraction type: ENFJ

(who you are attracted to)

ENFJ – “Persuader”. Outstanding leader of groups. Can be aggressive at helping others to be the best that they can be. 2.5% of total population.

Take Jung Explorer Test
personality tests by similarminds.com